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#TIPS💡: How to make a beautiful food picture? 📸

As promised in our article "How to have an outcoming instagram feed? Here are our tips for making great food photos! The quality of your photos is essential to make your audience want to come to your restaurant to taste your dishes and enjoy your decoration.

TIP 1: Focus on the dish

The first thing to do is to put the dish you want to photograph in the foreground and focus on it. This will allow your photography to be clear and highlight the food. If you want to highlight a portion of your dish, such as the mellowness of a cake, you only have to focus on that part.

TIP 2: Composing the image

Use your imagination and become a real designer! Rather than post a photograph of your plate alone, do not hesitate to decorate the background with flowers, candles ... You can add a glass of wine to your photography, a beautiful tablecloth ... You can inspire photographs on Pinterest for example.

@Mood Restaurants - Rotterdam

TIP 3: Prefer natural light

Natural light brings shades of colors that the flash erases. The best light will always be natural, so we do not hesitate to bring a dish / plate near a window before photographing it.

TIP 4: Vary the angles

Rather than always taking the same picture in front of our plate, we try different angles: we stand above the plate, we bend to get the dish in perspective ...

TIP 5: Prefer the camera

Even though mobile phones are making more and more beautiful photos, the best photos of #food on Instagram are actually taken with a camera. You can then resize on the computer to post it on your social networks (1,080 pixels by 1,080 pixels) and send it by mail.

TIP 6: Use an image processing application

Rather than relying solely on Instagram's filters and settings, we do not hesitate to process photos with a Snapseed or Afterlight app. We obviously avoid changing the image too much and we just touch the brightness, contrast or saturation.

Now you are ready to make great pictures to post on your platforms! We are waiting for your photos in comments!

In a future article, we will give you all our tips to start your Facebook page.

This article was made with information retrieved from and website.

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